Friday, June 17, 2011


...dah pukul 2.13am..suami dah sedap beradu..tapi i'm still awake.aduyai,macam2 dalam kepala ni.semedang xpuas ati.. am i too demanding??ada few things yg i really xrela skng.

1. I've to attend 3 days courses in Safira Golf Resort, Seberang Jaya.
Actually, nak attend course tu is not-realy-so big things la to me..coz i dun have much barrier to move n stay here or there. Memang i dont mind at all. Tapi yang I really freakin hate damn much here is the workload after the courses. Selalunya lepas any courses, kena wat in-house kat skul..then kena wat minit curai...thats for sure la...small the peaces je tu...(giler
riak!!hahaha)..tapi yang paling i hate about this course kali ni is...I'd attend it last year...for KSSR Year they (skul la...) sent me again for KSSR Year 2. Damn!!!! know what, dh la tahun ni busy ngn segala mendalah KSSR tu...dgn segala beratus file2...n everymonth kena key in data, they tambah lg my workload....sgt frust!!

2.Mr.P masih belom datang..
Sape Mr.P??Mr.P ni bestfriend kaum wanita la..yg visit us everymonth tu....Suppose I kena happy la missed my Mr.P, sbb tu tandanya I'm gonna be unluckily...still no double line on the test kit...huhu...dah malu nk gi scan sbb doc akan cakap " baby pon.Kena makan ubat hormon la ye, kasi period balik.."

3. Rindu mau pegi vacation.
Huhu. Dulu me n hubby sangat 'sering' pegi jalan2. few month ni, xde kesempatan since hubby baru tukar keja. So, walaupon ade 2 voucher penginapan hotel percuma atas meja ni, I juz can look at it...adui...frustnye..klu la bole pegi..huhu..

4.Xpuas ati with 4orang...arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! tapi xboleh mention...

Tapi sabar jela...malam td sempat gi window shopping ngn hubby.dah beli 1 novel, tajuk "spring collection."..saje nak mula hobby baru, baca novel english plak..sebab nak improvekan my English...hihi..wish me luck!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Rasa xsihat ni dah few days...nk kate dah ade rezeki nk timang bby xjugak..coz dh test, tp single line xtaula nape, makin hr rs makin xlarat...huu...

Rasa perot bloating, cm penuh angin. Pastu rs cramp2 cm nk gastrik...pastu lak, time malam xdpt tdo suffering 'insomnia' kot...kol3-4 pagi br nk lelap...smpikan pg2 hubby nk g keja,dh xsedar... pastu angin dalam badan banyak giler rs..nk makan lebih sket rs xbleh dh... nk buang (sendawa+kentut) susah sgt...adoi... pastu asyik nk ke toilet sj...huhu..xpela..penyakit utk hapuskan dosa2 kecik kot..insyaAllah...

Monday, June 6, 2011

~back to nagging...~

dah bersawang dh laman sesawang ni...hahaha..aritu beria nk update hari2...aish...susah jugak ya nk jd blogger berjaya nih...hihik!!seperti biasala...klau dh start menulis tu pastinya sbb ada benda yg nk so sick thinking of this la...
tau kenape?mestila xtau kan coz i havent mention anything yet. Actually,me myself jenis yg jarang nk mintak tlg org yg xde kaitan keluarga with me...kalau ada pon,i hardly begging them for help. Hatta my hubby skalipon, if nk mintak tlg dia wat keja pape (yg bukan housechore la ye..) cm format lappy i ke, g service keta i ke.. watever la yg takes time lame...coz i know how much he works everyday from 8am-7pm everyday. So other than ms bkerja tu, sebolehnya i want him to have a rest.

Maybe sbb dah bse kot dlm my family dl..if my parent pon kalau nk mintak us tlg ape2,juz on weekend. Klu time weekdays, diorang akan tanya dl if btol2 larat or xsusah. My adik2 also xsibok2 kejan us to help them. If ada susah2 pape, kitorang kakak2 n abg ipar ni akan tau lewat.. then ms tu br we offer nk tlg...diorang xmintak...

nak dijadikan cerita, now i mmg sgt2 xpuas ati with 'sum1' ni..bukan ada kaitan darah pon ngn my family. Sah kata called my hubby as 'abg' doesnt mean he's yours ya kakak..I'm so pissed off bl minah ni sesuka ati passed her "stuff" to sumbody in our family,mintak org tu passed to my hubby tlg fixedkan brg tu. Dear,please la...u nk my hubby tlg pon, u should come here sendiri,ask him a favour by yourself. Pastu let him choose the due date. Dah la u 'suruh' dia tlg, pastu u sndr plak buat due date...ape ni???this is for free be realistic la...sian my hubby tau..n sian me as well sbb time dia sepatutnya habiskan ms for his wife, now dah kena habiskan masa ngn your stuff plak. hadoi!!!!

utk u all semua yg bc, korang rs i ni terlalu kedekut ke kederat my hubby??ini bukan pertama kali tau...dh banyak kali..cara yang sama. Never ever i heard her say thanx directly to my dear husband for helping her..but repeatedly she chose to burden him again and again...

Ntahla,..n my hubby plak, dah org tengah hulur, dia pon xbleh nk say no. terima saja..n me as wife "have-to" be supportive la...tgu aje dia keja smpi lewat malam nk fix mendalah tu...geram!!!